Have you set your New Years resolutions? Is one of them to save money or pay off debt? I would like to share 5 Ways for Moms to Save Money in the New Year. Simple tasks that will help you reap the benefits for months to come.
1. Take control of your financial future by starting your own home business One without parties, inventory, or risk. One with credibility, free training and support. Internet CEO Moms works with a company that is debt free, has 26 years of experience, and an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau (BBB). For more information about Internet CEO Moms and how you can work from home visit my website: www.JaysMomIsHome.com, or click here to pick a time to view our free webcast with all the information you need to decide if this is the right opportunity for you and your family: http://tinyurl.com/
2. Make a grocery list and stick to it Before you run to the store look through your cupboards and come up with a list of the things you actually need. Pick a budget and resolve to not go over. Use your store's circulars to see what is on sale. I recently cut our family's monthly food budget from $800 to $400.
3. Use Coupons You'll find there are coupons for EVERYTHING. From developing photos online, to a meal at a local fast food restaurant, to groceries. There are also many coupon websites that will allow you to print off coupons that you know your family will use.
4. Shop online! You'll be able to compare items from one store to the next. You'll also find that most online stores have a Sale or Clearance section. Don't forget to find those coupon codes while checking out online as well.
5. Start a Savings account We often overlook the value of having money put away for a rainy day. If you saved just $5.00 each week that would be an extra $260 in your bank account at the end of the year.
Here's to a New Year and saving some money along the way!
For more information about Internet CEO Moms and how you can work from home visit my website: www.JaysMomIsHome.com,
or click here to simply pick a time to view our free webcast with all the information you need to decide if this is the right opportunity for you and your family: http://tinyurl.com/
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