Thursday, December 2, 2010

Christmas Security

I know that the meaning of Christmas is not the presents.  I know that spoiling my kids is not necessary.  But we don't buy our kids very much throughout the year so I love being able to really treat them for this one holiday. 

Last year we had just relocated, my husband left his full time job, and money was beyond tight.  I was working my business and he was freelancing, and not very much.  So we could only do a very small Christmas.  I know this is wrong, but it broke my heart.  It made me sad to not give my boys a really nice Christmas. 

But I did keep in my mind how blessed we were.  How truly happy I was to have a home, and a happy healthy family.  That is by far the most important thing and gift I could ever have. 

This year, we are much more secure.  My husband and I have worked really hard this year and I get to spoil my boys.  It feels good.  Not to be spoiled or have excess money or teach my children they need lots of things.  But it feels really good to see all our hard work paying off.  Knowing that the times I worked when I didn't want to were worth it.  Having some discipline in my home business will make this Christmas extra special. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What Has Working At Home Done For You?

The top 5 benefits of being a work at home mom for the past 3 years for me are:

1.  Getting most of our debt paid off.  3 years ago we had debt collectors ringing our doorbell and we were looking into filing for bankruptcy.  Now we are almost debt free.

2. I am rarely ever stressed.  As a teacher I always felt stress.  A never ending to do list, constant paperwork, testing, red tape, no bathroom breaks, and a 20 minute lunch break really stressed me out.

3. I love being able to take my kids places during the day.  The playground, the park, the grocery store, the museum, and the aquarium are basically empty in the mornings so we get free reign over everything.

4. I don't miss out on anything.  I have enjoyed almost 24 hours a day, 365 days a year of both of my boys' lives.  I would not have it any other way.

5. I can make sure Jaylen gets the care he needs.  Autism takes a lot of time, energy, and work.  Being home has allowed therapists to come and go at our house, and have allowed me to take him to classes, therapies, and groups.  I am at every PPT (school meeting), IEP (school meeting), and doctor's appointment without having to ask my boss (that's me!) for a day off.


Do you work from home?  What has it done for you?  Please share!


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Thursday, October 21, 2010

This tree is making it impossible to work from home!

Terrible audio
No make-up
Messy house
Gorgeous Fall tree
= This impromptu Vlog

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My Work From Home Story

When I had my first son Jaylen in October of 2006, I was supposed to go back to teaching Kindergarten the next school year, but I really wanted to be home with him without the financial stress. We were going further and further into debt without even thinking about putting away money for our futures and our sons' educations.  I realized that something in our life had to change. 
Jaylen was diagnosed with Autism shortly after I joined our Internet CEO Mom team and it is great that I can work around his therapy schedules.  We welcomed our second son, Xavier, in November of 2008 and I just love that I can work at home alongside my two boys.  I am so proud knowing that I will soon be at my goals of replacing my teaching income, paying off our debt, and even putting some money away, all while being home with my family. 
The best part is that I am helping other mothers do the same!  Anyone can do this and have the freedom to work around their family.

Learn more about me and my family at my personal blog, Mommy To Two Boys!

The secret of your success is determined by your daily agenda. - John C. Maxwell

Jean Myles

Helping Moms Work From Home Since 1999

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